It’s time for summer reading!
Last month was the start of the “beach reads” promos for the summer, when reviewers and advertisers try to catch our eyes and dollars with the latest books by favorite and featured authors.
When I had zero dollars to spend, my beach reads were bags full of used books. I’d go to the used bookstore and buy at least fifteen romances, horror novels, and anything else that caught my eye. I always had one with me t the beach or the apartment pool, and on really hot days, on the sofa, surrounded by cool, air-conditioned air. Once read, they were discarded like candy wrappers, often in places where others would find them and enjoy them.
My reading is now mostly digital books, and I’ve always enjoyed audio books, which I started to listen to during unbearably long work commutes. Now I work from home, but I love a good audio book while I work on projects or mow the lawn. The drawback with digital books is that I forget that I’ve purchased them, and my Kindle is clogged with forgotten purchases. Sometimes I go to buy a book and discover that I already own it. To combat this, and help fellow authors, I’m going to commit to writing a review after I finish reading a book that I have enjoyed, and then I’ll archive the book (I just learned how to do this). Reviews are essential to author ratings on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, so I hope all of you will write a few kind words if you enjoy a book.
I’ve on on a fun cozy mysteries binge this summer, but I have a couple of non-fiction books and YA novels to read, too. I’ll post them here when I finish one. I’d love to hear if you have special summer reads you’re enjoying, or if summer is just a calendar spot in your river of never-ending reading.
This week I reread a favorite in paperback, Missy Tippen’s A House Full of Hope, which I rediscovered while organizing books on a bookshelf. It’s such a heartfelt and wonderful story of family regained and love discovered. It’s available from most online booksellers.